What Starter Camera Gear Should I Buy? | Beginner Camera + Lenses

Q: I’m interested in getting into photography. What camera and lenses should I buy first?

I love this question! When I started shooting over 10 years ago, I bought the Canon Rebel XT, and then I eventually upgraded to the Canon Rebel t2i, and then the Canon 5D Mark III, and now I have the Canon 5D Mark IV. (And I am definitely considering going mirrorless with the Canon R5 or Canon R6 – those dual memory card slots almost have me sold – but that’s a whole other topic!)

Starter Camera Suggestion

But for someone starting their business now, I’d recommend the Canon Rebel t7i. It’s an incredible cropped-frame starter camera for a budget-friendly price. But if you have the money available, go straight for the full frame Canon 5D Mark IV!

And for starter lenses, I have a few suggestions and one major thing to avoid!

Lens Suggestions

If you want to start with an inexpensive lens that packs a punch, I’d recommend starting with the Canon 50mm f/1.8 (it’s only $100!!), and then eventually upgrading to either the Canon 50mm f/1.4 or Canon 50mm f/1.2L. I did that exact progression – started with the 1.8, eventually saved up for the 1.4, and finally got the 1.2L.

The Canon 50mm f/1.2L is my all time favorite lens! If I could only shoot with one lens, that would be it.

Another great starter option is the Sigma ART 35mm 1.4. If you plan to shoot families, I’d start with a wider angle lens like the 35mm, and if you plan to shoot couples or weddings, I’d start with a 50mm.

Lenses to Avoid

Avoid ANY lens with a sliding aperture! The kit lenses that come with a camera body often have a sliding aperture – it’s common to see an 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 (that f-stop range is sliding aperture), but save yourself the money and buy a prime (no zoom) lens instead. And definitely stick to a fixed aperture lens if possible. They are always a little more expensive but 100% worth it!

When you’re learning to shoot in manual, sliding aperture is your worst enemy – because as you change the focal length by zooming in or out, it will automatically change the aperture on you. And change the aperture will then change the exposure AND the depth of field!

Savannah proposal photographer - Apt B. Photography

(This photo was taken with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 70-200mm .)

Q: What other camera gear is in my bag?

ONA Brixton Bag

Canon 35mm f/1.4 L

Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II (but I’d recommend getting the newer version – Canon 70-200mm 2.8 IS III)

Canon 85mm f/1.2L

Sigma 24mm f/1.4

Extension Tubes (get these instead of a macro lens! It will save you THOUSANDS of dollars and it’s perfect for ring shots. I use the 12mm and I love pairing it with my Canon 35mm f/1.4 L.)

Canon Speedlite 600 EXII-RT

Rechargeable AA batteries (gamechangers! They recycle so much more quickly than normal batteries!)

AA Rechargeable Battery Charger

Canon 5D Mark III

SD Card – 128 GB (fast enough to keep up with shooting quickly using dual card slots)

CF Card – 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB

Canon Battery Pack LP-E6N

Canon LP-E6N Battery Charger

Any questions?? Shoot me an email or DM me on Instagram!

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