My Bigger “Yes”

“You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage—pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically, to say ‘no’ to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger ‘yes’ burning inside.” – Stephen R. Covey

I have learned over the years that I am absolutely terrible at saying “no” to things when I need to. But because I know that, I’ve been working hard on figuring out what my bigger “yes” is, so I’ll have solid reasons to fall back on when I have to say no.

I think I have more than one “yes” guiding my life lately, and the one that made my last couple of days SO refreshing is the decision to make having new experiences, especially in the form of travel, a priority in my life. It may have only been 24 hours in St. Augustine, but it was a place Phillip and I had never been together. We saw on of my favorite bands in concert for the first time, we ate at a delicious new-to-us restaurant (my drink from the Ice Plant pictured above!), and we learned how to ride a one-wheel on the beach with friends.

Just 24 hours of new experiences and my soul feels incredibly refreshed (even if my body is a bit worn out). So I technically had to say “no” to working yesterday (I didn’t even bring my laptop with me!), but more importantly I said “yes” to one of the priorities in my life. And that’s ALWAYS a good decision.🙌🏻

@apt. b photography, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

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